• Is it possible for Indians to get job in the field of nursing at Singapore?
    Yes! You can start get job in the field of nursing at Singapore. If you own required educational qualifications for nursing job and employment offer letter from healthcare institution, you can apply SNB Exam. Here is where we come and guide you throughout the journey of clearing SNB Exam and further achieve nursing job at Singapore.
  • Is Singapore a good place for nursing professionals to practice and serve?

    Yes, Singapore is definitely a good place for nursing professionals. There is a huge volume of vacancy in the field of nursing and with higher percentage of senior citizens living at Singapore whose health demand nursing professionals and medical assistance.

    In regards to safety and security, Singapore with highly secured and developed infrastructures, it's very safe and ideal for nursing professionals.

  • How much do we get as remuneration for working as nurses at Singapore?
    Health care institutions at Singapore pay based on the professional's experience, qualifications and institution itself. According to reinvent survey, registered nurses earn SGD 2500 per month and enrolled nurses earn SGD 1900.
  • What is the average working time (in hrs) for nursing professionals at Singapore?

    No specific duration is stated. Working hours at Singapore depends on the agreement with healthcare institution you have agreed to work with.

    Working professionals who comes under Collective Agreements are restricted to work for 38-42 hrs per week. If nursing professionals work over time beyond the required working hours, over time payment is provided. The nursing professionals can choose the shift from the options provided by their respective organizations/ institutions.

  • Which exam do I need to pass to become a nurse in Singapore?
    You need to clear SNB exam to work as nursing professional at Singapore. Singaporean or foreigner who aims to work as nursing professional at Singapore has to clear SNB exam. Once you clear the exam, you will get registered at Singapore nursing council and become eligible to work at Singapore in the field of nursing. We, the professionals at PMC, will guide you throughout the journey of preparing and registering for SNB exam.
  • Is there demand for nursing professionals at Singapore?

    Yes, there is huge demand for nursing professionals at Singapore due to lack quality nursing professionals and post pandemic state. You can start your career in the field of nursing at Singapore and succeed.

    Government and provide institutions provide jobs for qualified nursing professionals. Depending on your previous working experience, you can choose among the options provided by the institutions. Good remuneration is one among the criteria for why you should choose to work at Singapore as nursing professionals. Our experts at PMC will guide you throughout the process of choosing nursing jobs at Singapore.

  • How do I begin my career in the field of nursing at Singapore?
    We are here to guide you throughout the process of starting your career in the field of nursing at Singapore. Our experts will help you in each and every stage of the process. Our website gives you all the latest news and job opportunities at Singapore in the field of nursing.
  • How long does it take for SNB for approval?
    Generally, SNB takes around 4-5 months to process documentation when all essential documents are provided. During busy weeks, SNB may demand more period of time to review especially in regards to complications to document or when few documents are missing.
  • What are the eligibility criteria to apply for SNB Exam?
    • A minimum 5-year experience of clinical nursing at your own country.
    • If you are from India, you need a valid ID of completion of nursing degree.
    • A Job offer from healthcare institution at Singapore in the department of in-patient.
    • Once you satisfy the above 3 criteria, you can apply for SNB Exam and need to prepare to score well in the exam to further start your career at Singapore.
  • Is it stressful to work as a nursing professional at Singapore?
    Singapore being most safe and friendly environment in regards to work, you will find it safe and comfortable to be at Singaporean institutions. Due to high demand for qualified nursing professionals, higher amount of renumerations is offered for the nursing professionals which yields you in terms of finance and experience. PMC officials we guide you to achieve successful career in the field of nursing at Singapore.
  • What are the qualifications do I need to start my career as a nursing professional at Singapore?

    Check below for the qualifications for starting your career as a nursing professional at Singapore.


    You need to obtain Diploma or Degree in Nursing from a recognised educational institution.


    Foreign nursing professionals need to get license from Singapore Nursing Board (SNB) for which SNB Exam need to cleared with good score. We are here to help with this and make easy for you to approach and achieve. Contact us today to enrich your career journey.


    You must have good character and have no criminal record. Referrals from your previous institution is essential which works effectively.

    Once you have satisfied the above criteria, you are qualified to work as nursing professionals at varied healthcare institution and medium.

  • What is the duration of maternity leave you get as nursing professional at Singapore?

    Employment act governs the maternity leaves and its terms & conditions. All the female employees including nursing professionals are entitled to receive 16 weeks of paid maternity leave if the following eligibility criteria are satisfied.

    • The employee should have served for at least 3 continuous months.
    • The employee should come under the employment act
    • The employee should not be self-employed.

    Maternity leave can be taken anytime within 16 weeks from the child’s date of birth. The female employee can extend their leave under child care grounds immediately after their respective maternity leave. During maternity leave, employees are paid with their regular renumeration in accordance to the agreement made at the time of employment.

    At times, the employee might get more number leaves than the above mentioned in accordance to the institutions and HR terms. Henceforth its ideal to contact the HR officials of the institution or the employer for the exact information in regards to leave.

  • How many hours does a nursing professional need to work in a week at Singapore?

    The working hours for the nursing professionals at Singapore depends on the healthcare institution the employee has agreed to serve for though there is no standard working hours.

    Generally nursing professionals work for 8 hours in day and choose among 3 shifts (Morning, afternoon and night) offered. Henceforth nursing professionals will have an average of about 40 hours per week.

    At times, some healthcare institutions may require nursing professionals to work for longer hour shifts or different shift patterns such as 12-hour shifts. In such cases, nurses may need to work for 36 hours per week but only for few weeks.

    In the case of Indian nursing professionals, Ministry of Manpower at Singapore regulates and formulates working hours, overtime payment and other labour related concerns to ensure that employees are protected and treated with equality and humanity.

    Nursing professionals are entitled to receive payment for overtime working hours when they work for more hours beyond the regular working hours. Henceforth the working hours depends on the healthcare institution, policies and the respective patients.

  • What is the maximum age for a nursing professional to work at Singapore?

    In Singapore, there is no officially specified maximum age for a nursing professional to serve. If the nursing professionals are fit mentally and physically to serve their duty at work environment, they can continue to work.

    Although nursing professionals, who are at the age of retirement, might have consider their health and fitness. If their health demands for retirement, it’s advisable for them to obtain retirement from the respective healthcare institution they had been serving for since their illness or age-related complications in regards to health should not affect the duties at their work space.

    At times, few healthcare institutions may have their own retirement policies and guidelines. It’s ideal to approach the HR department or employer of the institution for clarification.

  • Wil I be paid with full salary during maternity leave in the field nursing at Singapore?

    Yes, nursing professionals at Singapore are entitled to receive full salary during their maternity leave. Under the Employment Act, female employees including nursing professionals are entitled to receive up to 16 weeks of paid maternity leaves if the eligibility criteria are satisfied.

    During the time of maternity leave, employees are entitled to receive all the incentives, bonuses or allowances that the employee have right to in a regular working period. Few of the employers may offer more benefits than specified by law such as additional paid maternity leaves or flexible work arrangements, etc.

    Further for clear and accurate detail on maternity leave and benefits, the employees are advised to contact their HR department.

  • How many holidays does a nursing professional get at Singapore?

    In Singapore, the number of holidays for nursing professionals depends on their respective healthcare institutions and terms of agreement agreed at the time of employment. Although Ministry of Manpower at Singapore demands all the employers to provide their employees with at least 11 paid public holidays per year.

    Apart from the specified 11 paid public holidays, many institutions offer additional paid holidays ranging from 7-14 days per year depending on the length of service and rank of employees. Some institution may provide medical leave, compassionate leave, etc for personal or family related reasons.

    Number of holidays and types of leave may vary depending on the institution and the industry.

    In the field of nursing and medical industry, number of holidays and types of leave may vary depending on the institution whether its public or private sector. Nursing professionals working at public institutions may have varied leave policies comparatively to private institution in the field of nursing and medicine. It’s ideal to approach their respective healthcare institution’s HR department or the employer himself.